Spain is a country in the Iberian Peninsula in Europe, currently has about 47.6 million inhabitants and includes 17 autonomous regions of great geographical and cultural diversity. In the capital Madrid with about 6.7 million inhabitants (2022) are the Royal Palace and the Prado with works by European masters. In Segovia there is a medieval castle (Alcázar) and an intact Roman aqueduct. Landmarks of the Catalan capital Barcelona are the bizarre buildings of Antoni Gaudí like the Sagrada Familia
Every citizen in Spain relies on energy for their activities. In 2021, Spain's per capita energy consumption was 2.4 tonnes of oil equivalent (toe). This makes Spain one of the largest energy consumers in Europe. However, Spain has to import most of the energy it consumes as it does not have abundant oil resources.
In general, fossil fuels, wind, solar, nuclear and hydroelectric power are all actively used in Spain. However, Spain is one of the countries actively working to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. Spain has been trying to focus more on renewable energies since the early 2000s. Not only is this important because of the adverse effects of fossil fuels on the environment, but it has also led to advances in energy management and proper use.
In Spain, dependence on fossil fuels for energy production has steadily decreased. While the differences aren't quite as impressive compared to countries like Norway and Germany, their rights have shown clear progress.
Renewable energies in Spain : how far have they come ?
To date, Spain is making progress in the production and use of renewable energy. However, for a country that used to import large amounts of coal and open subsidies for it, the new changes have a big impact on the economy. The following shows what changes the country has undergone in the last ten years.
- Between 2010 and 2020, the share of fossil fuels in energy production in Spain fell from 74.59% to 69.29%. This was an inevitable consequence of the incipient introduction of RES in Spain, since over the same period the share of RES in energy production increased from 15.90% to 20.31%.
- Power generation from renewable sources has made an impressive leap in the last decade. In 2010, Spain was able to generate 32.79% of its electricity from renewable sources. More than a decade later, in 2021, Spain will generate almost half of its total electricity from renewable sources, at 46.30%.
- The spread of renewable energies in Spain has undergone an impressive development in recent years. The pioneering role of the country is particularly evident from the fact that in 2008 it took third place in the field of wind energy in terms of installed capacity worldwide and second place in photovoltaics. The basis for this was above all an effective national funding policy and the early involvement of the large Spanish energy companies in international comparison, especially in the field of wind and solar energy. At the same time, sub- and international actors and influencing factors played an important role.
We also support such measures for the expansion of renewable energies and also know that there is still great potential.
Not to be overlooked, Spain is one of the driest countries in Europe and drinking water is constantly in short supply. Technologies for the desalination of seawater are intended to mitigate the problem and we would like to support Spain here too.
We have several larger projects being evaluated in Spain and are already looking for a suitable partner as an investor. Just contact us.
Spanien ist ein Land auf der iberischen Halbinsel in Europa, hat derzeit etwa 47,6 Millionen Einwohner und umfasst 17 autonome Regionen von großer geografischer und kultureller Vielfalt. In der Hauptstadt Madrid mit etwa 6,7 Millionen Einwohnern (2022) befinden sich der Königspalast und der Prado mit Werken europäischer Meister. In Segovia gibt es ein mittelalterliches Schloss (Alcázar) und einen intakten römischen Aquädukt. Wahrzeichen der katalanischen Hauptstadt Barcelona sind die skurrilen Bauwerke Antoni Gaudís wie die Sagrada Familia.
Jeder Bürger in Spanien ist für seine Aktivitäten auf Energie angewiesen. Im Jahr 2021 lag der Pro-Kopf-Energieverbrauch Spaniens bei 2,4 Tonnen Öläquivalent (toe). Damit gehört Spanien zu den größten Energieverbrauchern in Europa. Allerdings muss Spanien die Energie, die es verbraucht, größtenteils importieren, da es nicht über reichlich Erdölressourcen verfügt.
Bis heute macht Spanien Fortschritte bei der Erzeugung und Nutzung erneuerbarer Energien. Für ein Land, das früher viel Kohle importierte und dafür Subventionen freigab, haben die neuen Veränderungen jedoch große Auswirkungen auf die Wirtschaft. Im Folgenden wird aufgezeigt, welche Veränderungen das Land in den letzten zehn Jahren durchlaufen hat.
Auch wir befürworten derartige Maßnahmen zum Ausbau an Erneuerbaren Energien und wissen auch, dass noch großes Potential vorhanden ist.